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Images of Kent, Surrey, Sussex & South London

Type: Books

In this new volume of photographs from the Maurice Dart Collection the author covers the railways in the south-east corner of England, a region that while amongst the most populous, is little explored and holds a particular fascination for the railway enthusiast.

The photographs in this album have been largely selected from the author’s collection of many thousands of railway scenes. Together they present an overall view of many of the types of locomotives which have worked in the area since late in the nineteenth century. Along with the photographs of engines much of what is nowadays termed ’railway infrastructure’ is included, together with a varied selection of rolling stock. The detail contained in many of the photos may be of assistance to railway modellers of certain periods.

As wide a variety of locations as possible are included to cover the locomotive scene on the main line, on branch lines, in goods yards and at locomotive sheds. In this way the book will appeal not only to railway enthusiasts but also to those seeking photos of local areas and it is certain this will help readers to recall the magic and nostalgia of the sight of working steam locomotives.

Pages: 160
Size: 297 x 210mm